12ish Feelings

To Health And Happiness

The 12ish Style / Katie Sturino

You might have noticed I’ve been talking a lot about health over the past few months…who hasn’t I guess? It’s a pretty typical way to start off the new year. 

For anyone curious to know more, I wanted to share my personal journey and resources today in hopes that I can provide either empathy or inspiration for your own pursuit of health. 

Last year was a tough one. My personal life was leveled and I developed a lot of habits and routines to cope. They were helpful in the moment and I don’t regret eating doughnuts to make me feel better or choosing a Bravo marathon over the gym sometimes because that’s what I needed.

While my personal life has since moved on, some of these coping habits have stuck around. Although I still look in the mirror and love my body, I don’t love that my cholesterol has spiked, my anxiety has worsened and I’ve unnecessarily subjected myself to future health risks. 

What I am trying to say to you is that I feel myself in a swimsuit today and I felt myself in a swimsuit two years ago. But I need to learn to feed myself again and take care of myself in a way that helps me live a healthier life.

Jess from Path Nutrition says that food is medicine. She says that sometimes your body needs the cake for breakfast… and sometimes your body needs a giant salad. My journey is about getting to know what makes me feel good, inside and out, and in order to do that I have to start to be mindful of my sugar intake.

SO, I am starting with Euphebe this week. It’s going to be tough but I want to try. I might fail. I might have a cookie at dinner (or breakfast?) but it’s all in the greater effort to get in touch with my own intuition.

I don’t care about the number on the scale. I do not have one. But I do care about feeling healthy and happy.

I know a lot of you out there might be going through a similar thing and for me it always helps to remember I’m not alone, which is why I wanted to share this. If you too are on a journey to improve your health and happiness just know that I feel you! As women, I truly believe we are figuring it out, messing it up, getting back on track and forging through together. 

Here goes!

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