
The Yoga Class I Didn’t Know I Needed

KS x Soul Annex

Man is it hard to break away from your desk in the middle of the workday, and doing a workout that doesn’t leave you drenched in sweat can feel like it didn’t do anything at all, but a recent trip to SoulCycle’s new venture, SoulAnnex, reminded me just how valuable a 50-minute pause can be.

The studio’s design is a big departure from the loud vibes of the SoulCycle world with calming lights, tons of candles, and scents of aromatherapy. Bonus, I loved the soundtrack – slow hip-hop and no chanting music, which can sometimes feel cheese. J’approve. I wore my Outdoor Voices Rec Kit for optimal comfort and flexibility, too.

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SoulAnnex is SoulCycle’s Venice Beach cousin who wears cool hats you’re not sure you can pull off and I’m sold. With class offerings on every level, I say just give it a try. This is my new midday jam!

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