
The Dance Workout You Gotta Try


Back in December, I made a pre-New Year Resolution to step up my fitness game. Because I get bored easily (blame that millennial attention span), I knew switching up my workout every month would be key. Plus, it’s also a good way to keep your muscles from getting bored, so why not?

This month I’ve done the unthinkable and gotten addicted to DanceBody, a dance workout.

Let me explain. If I’m at a wedding (or in my younger days, da club) and everyone is dancing, you will 100% of the time find me glued to my seat, head sort of bopping to the music. Inevitably an over-served friend will grab my hand and slur something horrible like, “C’mon, DANCE! I know you want to!” So just to set the record straight here and now, no actually I don’t want to! It’s so not my thing.

So why would someone who regularly leaves weddings early just to avoid Conga Line peer pressure want to try a dance workout? The truth is I hate “social” dancing, but when I’m home alone in my underwear getting dressed, I’ve secretly got that Drake blasting and that bootie shaking. It’s a total guilty pleasure, but now that I’ve found Katia at DanceBody, I’m realizing that dancing to burn calories and get toned can actually be FUN.

Katia has a cult following and chances are if you see a babe walking around Tribeca, she’s a student of Katia’s. Unlike some other cardio dance programs, you’ll see more body types in her studio and she’s so good at making you feel comfortable and sexy without forcing too much on you.

We did our first lesson facing away from the mirror and I got to follow her lead. I loved it. I felt like a Knicks city dancer, and was instantly hooked.

As for the gear, my Outdoor Voices obsession continues – their clothes fit and move great and look good too. Pulling on these leggings and this tank (both size L) makes getting out the door to go exercise in the middle of winter feel a little easier. I also love these leggings, this hoodie and these sweats so check em out.

Bottom line, cardio dance is a surprisingly fun way to sweat it out, tighten things up and lengthen your frame. I’m IN and hope you are too!


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