Fashion Travel

Taking It to The Beach with New Swimwear


Just what everyone wants on the eve of a huge winter storm… a swimsuit story!

This past weekend I snuck away to the Bahamas for a girls’ getaway (I know, feel free to hate me). It was just a quick trip but turned out to be exactly what I needed to recharge after the big wedding, LOL (but seriously).

You know how much I love my suits, so I couldn’t wait to road test some new soon-to-be favorites.

Cover Swim is a always a go-to for me. I love how their long sleeves keep sun exposure in check while also feeling athletic and fun. Their latest crop of suits does NOT disappoint. I’m obsessed with this new plaid (in both blue and red) and their take on the classic stripe (once again, in my favorite colors blue and red).

I also tried out the new GabiFresh for Swim Sexy and this suit especially caught my eye, with it’s amazing Bond Girl vibes. The green is so good! Gabi’s collection is full of fun prints too, so definitely check it out. She is killing it!!

So if this polar vortex has you down and you don’t know what it do, it’s simple really: hop online, plan a vacation, buy some new swimsuits and you will feel good as new! 🙂


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