Browsing Tag

thigh rescue

  • 18-06-07_Katie_June_Seventh_0572

    6 Summer Dresses

    When it’s HOTTER THAN HELLLLLLL outside, the last thing I want to do is put layers on my body, but until I can move to a private nude beach on a…

  • Katie Sturino / The 12ish Style

    Holiday Gift Guide

    I loooooove gifting and if I could Oprah-style give everyone in my life a new car for the holidays, I would! But until Harpo comes knocking, I’m sticking with the tried and true…

  • Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

    Tackling Short Shorts And Thigh Chafe

    I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with shorts. I LOVE that you can go really short without looking skanky like you might in a micro-mini, but I’ve always dreaded dealing with the thigh chafe…

Stay Ahead Of The Curve