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  • Gray-Malin-3
    Beauty + Health Life

    Practice Safe Skin

    Practicing safe skin is always in, but it is especially important to protect your skin during one of its’ most vulnerable times – summer. With the sun at its’ peak UV and a…

  • Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

    Tackling Short Shorts And Thigh Chafe

    I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with shorts. I LOVE that you can go really short without looking skanky like you might in a micro-mini, but I’ve always dreaded dealing with the thigh chafe…

  • The 12ish Style / Katie Sturino

    5 Early Sandal Picks for Summer

    Who else has been shoe shopping?? I know it’s not summer yet, but listen people it’s coming. Plus I’m planning a tropical vacay (YAY), so I have sandals on the brain.…

Stay Ahead Of The Curve