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  • IMG_1935

    What’s Better Than a Camel Coat?

    You can never go wrong with the purchase of a camel coat, the camel coat is a fashion staple! I love camel coats (especially the long ones) because they evoke that…

  • IMG_1322
    Fashion Trends

    Knit Dress: The New Fall Go-To?

    One of the most devastating parts of summer is putting all your flowy, flowery dresses away for the season. They are comfortable, easy to wear, and make you feel powerful and delicate all at the…

  • Katie Sturino / The 12ish Style

    10 Days, 11 Nights, 1 Carry On

    I’m leaving for a European vacation today that includes four different countries (Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy), a mix of beach vs city and a range of temperatures… so naturally I decided to pack everything in a…

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