Browsing Tag

closet confidential

  • Katie Sturino / The 12ish Style

    Goodbye Style Rut!

    Get ready to meet the adorable Briana, a self-professed style rut victim and star of today’s brand new episode of Closet Confidential. When I met Briana, she confessed her entire wardrobe was…

  • Katie Sturino / The 12ish Style

    A Fun & Sleek Work Wardobe Makeover

    If you haven’t already heard… I’m teaming up with Eloquii this summer to take on your real life closet conundrums, one woman at a time, in a new series called Closet Confidential. I’m so…

  • photo @eloquii

    A Closet Makeover You Have To See!

    I’ve been working on a new project with Eloquii called Closet Confidential and am so excited it’s finally live! I hear from women ALL THE TIME who are either stuck in a…

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