
Tackling Short Shorts And Thigh Chafe

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with shorts. I LOVE that you can go really short without looking skanky like you might in a micro-mini, but I’ve always dreaded dealing with the thigh chafe that is unavoidable for us non-thigh gap ladies when wearing a pair of short shorts.

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

For years I paired my shorts with a men’s sport anti-chafe stick because it was the only option out there. While it got the job done and prevented me from chafing, I HATED carrying it around in my handbag and was embarrassed to pull it out in front of other people. Beyond that I wasn’t crazy about the ingredients – what exactly was I rubbing on my body?? Did I still wear the shortest of shorts and risk getting busted with a men’s drugstore product in my bag? Of course, but the whole experience was far from easy breezy.

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

That’s why I decided to launch my own anti-chafe stick! Now I swipe Megababe Thigh Rescue on the regular and wear shorts of all lengths (and non-lengths) without my thighs going up in flames or having to suffer any embarrassing feelings. Plus it’s packed with natural ingredients and emollients, which was key for me. And yes, I’m SO EXCITED to be launching the product of my dreams and of course can’t stop talking about it!

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepeller

Photo by Edith Young for @manrepelle

If you’re looking for a thigh chafe solution, clearly I’ve got you! And if you’re on the hunt for some fresh summer outfit ideas or need to beef up your shorts wardrobe, you know I’ve got you there too 🙂 Head over to Man Repeller for all the deets on these three looks, or get to shopping below!

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