For me, the resurgence of overalls started with this classic denim pair, which I layered up and layered down all Spring long. But now that temps are on the rise, it’s time to ditch the long pants and let those legs breathe!
Thankfully though, it’s NOT time to ditch overalls. To bring the trend into the summer, I’m really feeling overalls reincarnated as shorts (I’m wearing this Madewell pair) and bib dresses (I’m in sold out Asos, similar here).
The idea of overall shorts makes me feel like a little kid, in the best possible way. Someone get me a bomb pop and a bowl hair cut and we good! Styled with a Tuxe bodysuit, Baron Von Fancy Vans and a Parker Thatch Clutch, the end look makes me feel all GP in the city, which is never a bad thing.
But those shorts are well, short, and my thighs did move the fabric while I walked. Not unbearable, but it does make a good case for the dress version. You get the overall top minus the wedgie action, a win-win for me. For even more cuteness, I added 3 little piggies and a double dose of stripes with this Madewell tank and my fav CB loafers.
Whether you’re more of a shorts or a dress girl, I hope you’re dungaree-ing into summer with me!
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