12ish Feelings Fashion

My New York Fashion Week MVP’s

photo @glossier @heyrevelist

Every year, NYFW gets a little more diverse and a little more interesting. The norm is still the norm and there’s a long way to go, but more and more brands are starting to break the mold and it always makes me feel so inspired!

So I wanted to take a minute to shout out the people and companies who stood out in a sea of same this past week. These are my Fashion Week MVPs and they all rule so here we go!

Fashion week started for me this year with an article in Man Repeller that styled me in some transitional Fall looks… AND MY SIZE WAS NEVER MENTIONED. On the heels of that, Glossier launched their new Body Hero line with a big campaign featuring women of all sizes and they did it without mentioning size anywhere or patting themselves on the back. Talk about two brands getting it right!

And of course there is Ashley Graham. Her Addition Elle runway show is always inspiring and this year was no exception. I found myself becoming emotional after seeing these STUNNING women with all their curves confidently strut down the runway. I was yipping and yelling from the front row.

Curvy Con was another big time highlight. In fact, I think the happiest place in NYC this fashion week was Curvy Con. Picture a room full of women thrilled to participate in this (formerly elite) week of fashion. They put effort into their looks and were happy to be meeting so many of their fans and IG friends IRL. 

My final hero of the week was Lauren ChanShe continued her day job of reporting for Glamour.com, helped AYR launch their extended sizing for jeans, walked the runway for Chromat, was shamed online and defended by countless women including Glamour EIC Cindi Leive

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