12ish Feelings Life

Man Repeller Podcast: Oh Boy Episode 29


via Man Repeller 

Some people are morning teeth-brushers, like Hannah Horvath. Some people are night teeth-brushers. Some people are two-a-day-ers and some people brush after every single meal. According to Katie Sturino, all of this is fine. You just gotta own it.

Sturino is not a dentist, in case you were wondering. She founded her own PR agency (it used to be called Tinder PR but then a dating app ruined it for everyone) and a website called The 12ish Style. She’s a MUSE-signed model, mom-ager to three Instagram famous dogs — one of whom has a book out!! — and you may recognize her from such Man Repeller stories as How to Wear a Swimsuit If You’re Not Gigi HadidWide Leg Pants for the Skinny Jeans Addict and the round table on plus size women in fashion.

The aforementioned idea that you just have to own it, whatever it is for you — size, shape, dental hygiene — is very much the banner carried by Katie Sturino. In this episode of Oh Boy, Sturino and Jay cover that, plus what “being real” means, career paths (including awkward internship experiences along the way), body acceptance and, yes, morning brushing.

Pop those ear buds in and get ready to laugh.

Follow Katie Sturino on Instagram @the12ishstyle, check out her website here and buy her/Toast’s book, “Toasthampton,” for the sake of you and your coffee table’s happiness. Be sure to follow our wonderful Oh Boy host Jay Buim on Instagram. Check his website out, too. Logo and feature illustration by Kelly Shami.

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