I’m sure my skinny jean conundrum is not news to anyone. On the one hand, they’re easy to style and wear and really work for my body. On the other hand, they’re about as fresh as that expired yogurt lurking in the back of the fridge.
When I confessed to Amelia Diamond at Man Repeller I was stuck in a skinny jean black hole, she didn’t beat around the bush. Her exact response was something to the tune of, “Skinny jeans are DEAD!” Said with plenty of aghast, of course. Was she being a bit exaggerative? Sure. But was it the exact kind of tough love I needed? You bet.
We chatted and Amelia agreed to help me un-dead my look if I would agree to ditch the skinnies and try some PANTS. As in those wide-legged trousers that strike fear into the hearts of so many of us curvaceous ladies. Of course I said yes – I’m always eager to exit my comfort zone – but in truth I was totally nervous. Not to spill State secrets here, but my dressing formula tends more toward a form-fitting lower half with volume experiments relegated to my northern hemisphere. It’s just where I’m most comfortable. But with Amelia at the wheel, I will agree to pretty much anything, so off we went.
Was it a success? For me that’s a resounding yes. As soon as I put that first pair of pants on, I felt cool again. Figuring out how to wear them was the trick, as it always is. With the help of team Man Repeller, I learned I can pull off volume on the top AND bottom as long as the pants hit at my ankle and there’s plenty of movement in the fabric to break up the boxiness. I learned that sometimes I need to act like an adult and strap on a pair of heels (they really do make your legs look a zillion miles long). And I learned that the bodysuit might be my new best friend (well ok, I already suspected this).
You won’t see me rocking trousers everyday, but now that I have some tricks up my sleeve I’ll be working them into the rotation more. At least until Amelia declares skinny jeans are back and better than ever.
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