Beauty + Health Life

It’s Laser Szn – Part Three

Photo Feb 06, 1 57 26 PM

We’re back with the third and final installment of our Winter Skin Series: Laser Szn! For the grand finale, I went to see Dr. Jessica Weiser, a highly recommended dermatologist at New York Dermatology Group. And this time around, I tried a brand new treatment – Ultherapy.

Photo Feb 06, 12 50 35 PM

Ultherapy is a nonsurgical treatment on the face, neck, and décolletage that utilizes ultrasound technologies to lift the face and help keep it smooth as a baby’s bottom. It is the only treatment that specially treats the deep foundation of the skin without making any cuts to the actual surface of the skin.

The heat from the treatment delves below the surface of the skin to penetrate existing collagen, while creating new collagen, as well. As you age, collagen loses its strength and naturally gets dragged down. Ultherapy is a great preventative treatment, as this production of new collagen is what keeps your face looking like your college-age self. Dr. Weiser compared Ultherapy to the concept of sealing an envelope – keep it tight so it stays right where you want it to.

Photo Feb 06, 1 32 16 PM

I can’t lie though…this HURT, particularly in the neck area! For someone who has a pretty high pain tolerance, I was surprised when I found myself squirming around in the chair a bit. It kind of felt like a burning needle (bad comparison, I know), but pain is beauty, right? While they don’t physically numb your face, they recommend a Vicodin and a Valum. My stomach is no friend to Vicodin, so I stuck to a low dose Valum and a Tylenol 😉

Photo Feb 06, 1 34 12 PM

While it takes approximately 12 weeks to see the full effects of Ultherapy, the results (check ’em out below) look well worth the wait. Over these 3 months is when your collagen rebuilds itself for that lifted and tightened look. And the best part? No downtime at all.

Photo Feb 14, 4 29 32 PM

BONUS: Dr. Weiser let me in on a few of her favorite skincare brands while she was working her magic on my face. They include Drunk Elephant, SkinCeuticals, Neocutis, and in-house favorites, Colbert MD and NYDG Skincare (shop my picks below!).

As Winter winds down slowly but surely, Laser Szn does, too. Though Ultherapy is safe to get all year round, I stick with getting nearly all of my facial treatments done during the Winter months so that my face is fresh and ready to go for Summer <3

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