Beauty + Health

Here’s What I’m Doing These Days at NYDG

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We are back with New York Dermatology and this time we are talking about Cryotherpy, the Collagen Bed, and EndyMed.

First and foremost, this place is beautiful! Its the apartment you wished you lived in, but you don’t (unless you do, in which case can I come over?).

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This is my first time doing Cryotherapy and entering the Cryo Chamber! The idea behind it is that when you step into the freezing chamber, which is -121 degrees Fahrenheit, you shock your system by taking blood from other parts of the body and rushing it into your vital organs. Once you get out the the cold chamber your body becomes refreshed and you feel awake and rejuvenated like you just drank a red eye.

And the best part about Cryotherapy is that you can play music and shake your booty until the two minutes is up!

IMG_3993 2The Collagen Bed is a full body red light therapy that increases nutrient flow to the skin and quickens wound healing. This twenty minute procedure was very relaxing! It was nice to take a minute, clear my mind, and listen to my audiobook!

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EndyMed is used to stimulate collagen and cell growth. If you’ll recall, I got Ultherapy earlier this year and EndyMed is it’s much faster, painless cousin. It also helps to keep up and stimulate Ultherapy results.

All off these procedures were for maintenance, and showed gradual, not shocking, differences. Overtime, your skin will reap the benefits and be protected from pollutants and toxins!

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