
Getting A Head Start on Wedding Season

photo credit @jamiemagnifico

Of all the events I get dressed for, one that always throws me for a loop is the summer wedding. Formal dressing is tough!! You want to look like the best, cleaned up version of yourself but at the same time not feel too “done” (my personal nightmare!).

This is probably why I’ve worn Birkenstocks to so many weddings. Truly.

photo credit @jamiemagnifico

photo credit @jamiemagnifico

As for what to wear with those Birks (or flat, comfy sandal or your choosing) — I forever love a printed maxi! I can already tell this one by Banana is going to be a go-to for me this summer. It’s breezy and boho yet still polished and I LOVE the bright colors!

And don’t forget about hair and makeup (also known as the area where everything can go so wrong so fast). I like to stick with my everyday, low maintenance look and just take the lip color up a notch. Experiment with the dress but not your face is what I’m saying! And remember if you are comfortable you will have 1 jillion times more fun – at weddings and in life too 🙂

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