I’m a total workaholic, so when I get up in the morning all I want to do is immediately get in front of the computer and disappear into emails. Thankfully though I have 3 needy little diva dogs who make sure I don’t do that.
Rain or shine, they demand a walk every morning (or in Toast’s case, a swalk) and it’s one of my most favorite things.
Fun fact about me: all I can think about in the morning (and pretty much all day long) is coffee and yet I can never manage to finish one! So grabbing my first morning cup of joe and drinking approximately half is really what gets me out of bed. And when I get my coffee the dogs get their treats, so it’s a win-win all around.
Who knows if I’ll work out later in the day (hopefully?), but getting out and about is key to starting off on the right foot, pun intended. And as my mom likes to remind me, Sitting is the New Smoking, so until I get that stand up desk, I really rely on my daily dog walks.
When you work from home and have 3 dogs, mornings are for recreation. Outdoor Voices is a go-to brand for me; their clothes are so cute and comfy. I love that the brand is based in here in NYC and that they’re all about Doing Things, aka moving your body and keeping it fun. I’m so on board!
I’m really into the matching sets — they make you feel put together and cool even though you’re wearing head to toe spandex. These leggings, this crop and this hoodie are on frequent rotation around here. And yes, until there is actual snow on the ground, I will keep rocking the crop. Gotta let that belly button breathe!
Now through Monday, 11/14 12ish readers get a 15% discount on select product with the code OVX12ish. Happy shopping!
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