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  • Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 2.56.51 PM
    12ish Feelings Life

    My Dog Got Married

    Dog Wedding: That is a combination of words that should forever be stricken from the English language, but we live in the year of our lord 2016 and we cannot. via New…

  • feel-like-mike-gatorade-michael-jordan
    12ish Feelings Life

    How To Feel Like Mike

    via Impatient Foodie I wish my food nostalgia was linked to a long-standing family recipe, like the homemade ravioli or rice balls we eat at every family holiday, but the strongest…

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    12ish Feelings Life

    In Defense of the Dad Bod

    via Watch this on The Scene. Katie Sturino, founder of and mom to Instagram-famous dog Toast (@toastmeetsworld), tells us why lusting after the “Dad Bod” is the way to…

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