Beauty + Health Fitness

Back In The (Spinning) Saddle…Again

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There you are, walking into the gym, a light waft of shame hovering over you, and then it happens: “Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while!” … and there it is – the pit in your stomach knowing that once again, you fell off the train. The check-in person/teacher/trainer/towel person/whoever says it to you certainly means nothing by it. In fact, it’s mostly the opposite, but it just serves as a reminder that you fell off.

You felt so good and strong, and then bam – a work trip, abundant visitors, late nights at the office, what have you – life happens. This is what I like to call the “workout yo-yo” … you know, like when you’re on for three weeks, and off for four, or vice versa? Getting back in the saddle, literally or figuratively, is always tough. I’m here to say that this is a frequent occurrence for me, but you gotta get back on! So here I am, heading into class unafraid to go at my own pace and hoping that my streak isn’t just a streak, but rather more a lifestyle change.

Nothing gives you more motivation to work out than some cute clothes, so I treated myself at Tory Sport to this French terry sweatshirt and chevron leggings. No good look works without a great pair of sneaks, similar here, and my favorite sunnies.

I hope you’re inspired to get back in the saddle, too, wherever that may take you… 🙂

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