Lady Crushes Life

5 Lessons from Create & Cultivate Chicago

This past weekend took me to Chicago to speak at the Create + Cultivate conference, hands-down my favorite industry event and one I was super honored to attend as a speaker on two panels. Surrounded by the most impressive (and stylish!) boss ladies plus a never ending supply of green juice, the inspiration was FLOWING. I left the weekend with a new slew of girl crushes and some fresh insights that I’m excited to share.
1. Jumpsuit Revolution
Girl crushes don’t get much bigger for me than this year’s keynote speaker, Garance Doré, who was of course rocking a jumpsuit. Both days. And she wasn’t the only one — I spotted a handful of cute jumpsuits in attendance, making me feel extra good about my choice for Saturday’s panel, this Tory Burch one piece.
2. I Am That Girl 
Emily Greener of I Am That Girl moderated one of my panels, and I was immediately inspired by the ways in which she is changing the conversation for girls. Through Emily I learned about the opportunity to mentor or sponsor a girl, which I can’t wait to do.


3. Be Authentic
Few ladies are more real than Nadia Aboulhasin, a hilarious sex-on-a-stick plus size advocate. She doesn’t glamorize her life in order to make others feel less than; she keeps the focus on being true to herself.


4. Women Rule
We all know it, but it’s good to be reminded of it: there’s no greater power than that of women helping women. Jaclyn Johnson, founder of Create + Cultivate, shows by example that we’re all better off when we do it together.


5. Getting It Done
Other highlights from the day include Lauren Sherman from genius company Shyp (basically uber for shipping and destined to change all of our lives) for her marketing smarts, Hannah Bronfman for her charming personality and killer abs, Alaina Kaczmarski of The Everygirl for knowing pretty much everything and Hilary Sawchuk of A Drink With for doing it her way. These ladies and many others are putting themselves out there even when it feels weird or lonely or crowded, and are killing it.


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