Beauty + Health



Is anything more boring/daunting than blow drying your hair the right way? No.

Until this year I thought I was getting away with my quick dry/French girl bed head look, but after several hair-terventions, I decided to invest time and money into my do.

The Harry Josh tools made a huge difference for my hair. The dryer is fast and I actually use the clips and go section by section with the round brush (I read NY magazine while I dry). Oscar Blandi Mouse lifts my roots and Bumble and Bumble Dry Oil is basically Weekend At Bernie’sing my ends.

A note: My colorist Reyad Fritas of Fekkai 5th Ave told me that the Frederic Fekkai mask was no longer an optional for my damaged hair if I wanted to keep it long, so I started doing a mask 2x a week. The result is a that my looks undone in a done way.

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