Life Lifestyle

10 Questions And 1 Killer Recipe with Elettra Wiedemann

Elettra Wiedermann for The12ishStyle

Talk about a BOSS LADY, Elettra Wiedemann does it all and makes it look so easy. You probably know her as a big deal model, but did you know she is also a food editor, writer and founder of one of my favorite sites, The Impatient Foodie?

Elettra Wiedermann for The12ishStyle

I am probably the MOST IMPATIENT person on the planet so the convenience of take out really speaks to me, but sometimes even I want a quick and delicious home cooked meal. For inspiration, I reached out to Elettra who immediately offered up the perfect 8 minute Salmon with Lazy Man’s Risotto recipe. Yep 8 minutes, people!!! I’ve spent longer than that on hold for take out.

Keep reading for her recipe below (which you will want to make like, tonight) and check out the video tutorial here. In the meantime here’s Elettra sounding in on everything from what makes her feel most body confident to her fav Spring veggie to the Ben & Jerry’s flavor that is her undoing.

Thank you Elettra, you’re amazing and we love you! Keep the food inspo coming! xx

The12ishStyle: What led you to start Impatient Foodie?

Elettra Wiedemann: I felt like there wasn’t cooking content out there that intersected Bon Appetit lifestyle with BuzzFeed time and space constraints. I also wanted a recipe site that provided some information on food issues of the day (politics, ethics, etc) that “spoke my language”, but I couldn’t find one…  so I built it myself!

12ish: What are a few of your favorite places to eat out these days? 

EW: I recently moved to Brooklyn and have been discovering all the great spots in my hood. Being a Manhattanite my whole life and then moving to Brooklyn made me feel like I had unwittingly been using only 10% of my brain my whole life.

12ish: Any tips on how to shop the Farmer’s Market? What to look for, what to avoid?

EW: It really depends on where you live. When I lived in Manhattan, going to the farmers market anytime after 10AM made me feel like I was a time bomb of anxiety and rage by the time I got home – the crowds, the confusion, the noise! So if your local farmers market is an excessively popular one, I would suggest getting there one the earlier side. I know this sounds like a total drag (and it kind of is), but local, organic, sustainable food is worth the effort. As far as what to search for and avoid, that’s a tough one. It really depends on why you’re at the farmers market in the first place. Personally, I go to the farmers market because I want to support local farmers and “vote with my dollars” for organic, sustainable food. Don’t be shy — ask the vendors questions about their growing or sourcing methods. And don’t shun someone outright just because they are not certified organic. The USDA organic certification is very costly and some small farms can’t afford it. Some farms use organic growing methods, but aren’t certified.

12ish: Obviously your background is in modeling… Any tips on how to establish an enjoyable relationship with food when the world around you is making that tough?

EW: To be totally honest, I struggled with it for quite a while. To be almost 6 feet tall and a size 2/4 is not the natural body shape of most people, certainly not mine. It took competing in a bunch of triathlons and three half Ironman to move my thinking away from obsessing about how my body looked to focusing more on how my body feels. The nutrition element of training and getting stronger and faster was also really eye opening. The whole experience really opened my eyes to how incredible human bodies are and it increased my love, appreciation, and therefore care of my body exponentially. Now I eat what I want when I want. And, to my surprise, I crave healthy foods wayyyy more than I crave stuff like ice cream, french fries, etc.

12ish: When do you feel most confident in your body?

EW: Right after my swim team practice, when I step out of the shower all clean and exfoliated and have almond oil slathered on.

12ish: Favorite dessert when you are going ALL OUT?

EW: I have to put blinders on when I see Ben & Jerry’s mint chocolate chip ice cream… the one with the Oreo type cookies inside. Oh my god, I can eat a pint to myself in one sitting!

12ish: Favorite kitchen hack?

EW: I like to wrap fresh herbs in a damp paper towel and store them in some Tupperware in the fridge – it makes them last wayyyy longer (like up to a week!)

12ish: Favorite snack that is secretly healthy? 

EW: I make a great homemade granola and eat it with Anita’s vegan coconut yogurt!

12ish: What’s a typical breakfast for you? 

EW: Multiple shots of espresso, and my homemade granola with yogurt or eggs and Sriracha.

12ish: Fruit or veg in season that you can’t get enough of?

EW: I’m really excited that ramps are back! Always the first sign of spring and soooo delicious and delicate in flavor.


– This recipe serves 1 person, double for 2 
Elettra Wiedermann for The12ishStyle











1. Before you start cooking, remove the salmon filet from the fridge and bring to room temperature. Pat filet with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Set aside.

2. Put water to boil. Place spinach at the bottom of a colander and leave in the sink.

3. Crush up hazelnuts and toast them in a skillet, 2-minutes. Careful not to burn them.

4. Melt the coconut oil in a skillet, over high heat. When oil is melted and hot, place the salmon – skin side down – and turn down heat to medium. Leave cooking for 3-4 minutes then flip over the salmon. Turn off heat and allow the salmon to cook, another 2-3 more minutes (more if you like filet is very thick or if the salmon well cooked).

If your filet is very thick, once you flip it over, keep the heat on for about 1 minute and then turn it off and allow it to continue to cook in the hot pan, another 2-3 minutes. I personally like my salmon on the rare side, but if it’s too rare for you, just turn the heat back onto medium and cook to your liking.

5. Meanwhile, boil the orzo. Drain the orzo over the spinach and shake a few times to ensure water is drained out.

6. In the same pot where the orzo was cooked, combine the orzo, spinach, tablespoon mascarpone, olive oil, parmesan, and lemon juice and very mix well. Add more olive oil, if desired. Add salt and pepper to taste.

7. Spoon orzo onto the serving plate and top off with a salmon filet. Garnish with toasted hazelnuts and some lemon zest. Serve immediately.

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